Could you please tell us...
1. Three albums you’d take along on a desert island?
Talk Talk Spirit of Eden to be zen
Drive Like Jehu Yank Crime for when I wanna wreck stuff
Cocteau Twins Heaven or Las Vegas to hear a girl singing and in an incomprehensible language
2. A song you wish you’d written?
"Fight the Power" by Public Enemy
3. Your Sunday morning song?
Anything off of the Bee-Gee's Odessa.
4. Your favourite b-side?
No, it's all about the a-side! Actually, I remember that XTC had released the song "Dear God" as a b-side to what song I can't remember. So I'd have to say that that is my favourite b-side.
5. Your favourite Beatles song?
"Tomorrow Never Knows".
6. A musician/band you think is criminally underrated?
Do you mean underrated musically or criminally? Maybe both? Actually, I think I'd have to say Sly and the Family Stone. Well, maybe they're appreciated to a certain extent, but they're freaking amazing on ecstasy I'm told.
7. Your favourite place for writing music?
I don't really have a special, designated place where I write. Inspiration comes at the weirdest times and it's very hard to nail that down. Usually I prefer to be in an environment where there's activity going on - for some reason that usually allows me to focus. I suppose the (as in THE) place would be the control room of my husband's studio where we record our albums. In fact, I'm in there right now!
8. What your music-related plans are for the next 12 months?
We're finishing off work on a film score for a movie called Memories Corner, playing some shows in January in Montreal, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago, and going to Australia in March to play some shows. Hopefully by fall of next year we'll be working on new material for the next album.
9. What you wish to do once you retire from music?
Who said I'm retiring? Ha ha.... I've always wanted to go back to university and get my masters degree in something. Maybe I'll do that when I'm 75.
10. A stylistic choice you’ve made and are now ashamed of?
What a weird question! But so true... I have flirted with bad style choices, not telling though!
11. Which role you would like to have played if you were an actor?
I'd imagine it was pretty fun for Cate Blanchett to have been Jude as Bob Dylan in I'm Not There. Whoa, that's so meta.
12. A recurring childhood dream of yours?
I wish I still had the dreams that I had when I was child. I had some wonderful lucid dreams and out-of-body dreams where I was flying. I remember my sister I think told me that you die in real life if you hit the ground in your dreams. But it's not true because I did hit once and obviously I'm still alive right?
13. If you are superstitious?
....they ask on the 13th question!
14. A sentence containing the words ”some” and ”beans”?
Some beans are cool beans!
"Hello guys,
Sorry for the late reply. Olga answered your questions (see below).
Let us know when the post is up.
Keep up the blogging!"
The Besnard Lakes - "Glass Printer" από το The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night
2 σχόλια:
Σύντομες συνεντεύξεις με Efterklang, Clinic, Soap&Skin, The Irrepressibles, Hjaltalin, Annais Mitchell, ... και τώρα The Besnard Lakes. Δημοσιεύσεις που πρέπει να σας γεμίζουν με περηφάνια (όλους τους υπόλοιπους μας κατακλύζουν συναισθήματα ζήλιας). Πως όμως καταφέρνετε να μην μπαίνετε στον πειρασμό να ρωτήσετε δεκάδες ακόμα ερωτήσεις που αφορούν τη δισκογραφία τους, τη σχέση τους με τη μουσική, την καθημερινότητά τους, τις συναυλίες είναι άξιο θαυμασμού.
Συμφωνώ με την uptight. Οι The Besnard Lakes είναι δημιουργοί του πιο χορταστικού κιθαριστικού δίσκου του 2010 (άσχετα αν το έθετα διαφορετικά).
Αν μπαίνουμε λέει....! Είναι συνέχεια ένα θέμα συζήτησης μεταξύ μας, για την ακρίβεια - ο mr.grieves έχει ρίξει πολλές φορές το θέμα στο τραπέζι, να αρχίσουμε να τις κάνουμε κανονικές συνεντεύξεις. Εγώ είμαι που επέμενα να μείνει έτσι γιατί μ'αρέσει να είναι οι ίδιες ερωτήσεις για όλους -βοηθάει να κάνεις συγκρίσεις και να συμπεραίνεις διάφορα πράγματα για το τί τύπος είναι ο καθένας και πώς βλέπει τη μουσική!
Φυσικά και θα ήθελα κι εγώ να τους ρωτήσουμε πολύ περισσότερα κάποια στιγμή, είναι τόσα αυτά που θα μπορούσαμε να μάθουμε... Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι το SQ είναι ένας τρόπος να χώνουμε το ποδαράκι μας στην πόρτα ορισμένων εξ'αυτών για να τους ξαναπροσεγγίσουμε στο μέλλον! :-) Αλλά αυτή η στήλη σκεφτόμαστε να παραμείνει ως έχει...
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