Με αυτό το δεδομένο, δεν θα μας κάνει καμία έκπληξη το να δούμε τον, έως τώρα ταπεινό γραφίστα, DM Stith να γίνεται ο επόμενος Bon Iver, Phosphorescent, Iron & Wine ή Patrick Watson στις καρδιές και τα κείμενα των μουσικοκριτικών ανά την υφήλιο. Για την ακρίβεια θα θέλαμε πολύ να το δούμε να συμβαίνει. Αυτό που μας προκάλεσε, αντίθετα, μεγάλη έκπληξη, ήταν η άμεση ανταπόκριση που έδειξε όταν του ζητήσαμε ν'απαντήσει στο μικρό μας ερωτηματολόγιο!
Could you please tell us...
1. Three albums you’d take along on a desert island?
a. Gavin Bryars -- The Sinking of the Titanic ----- I put this music on when I need to write but feel distracted. It calms me down and helps me focus. It's my ultimate comfort.
b. Vollmar -- Campfire Songs ----- oh man. If you haven't heard this on a summer night with bright stars and a full stomach, you might not know how beautiful the world can be.
c. Nina Simone -- Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ----- she channels her misery so completely. Makes me want to sing.
2. A song you wish you’d written?
"I Think It's Gonna Rain Today" -- Randy Newman
3. Your Sunday morning song?
"Run Run Se Fue Pa'l Norte" -- Violeta Parra
4. Your favourite b-side?
"How I Made My Millions" -- Radiohead
5. Your favourite Beatles song?
"I'm So Tired" -- from White Album
6. A musician/band you think is criminally underrated?
Timothy Dick. www.myspace.com/timothydick -- also, he's in a band called Auld Lang Syne. Really incredible.
7. Your favourite place for writing music?
My friends' house in Broadway, Virginia. AND the instrumental rehearsal hall at Houghton College in upstate NY. Lots of percussion instruments and a great piano. I spent a whole month there. I'm looking forward to going back!
8. What your music-related plans are for the next 12 months?
I'm sketching out new song ideas, doing some side project recording (like a remix EP for My Brightest Diamond) and meeting and rehearsing with musicians who'll help me flesh out my songs for live performance. Lots of touring. Lots of listening.
9. What you wish to do once you retire from music?
Maybe teach art? I'm in graduate school now working on a degree in graphic design. Teaching is a lot of fun and the academic community is really wonderful to be a part of. Or maybe focus on writing again. I used to write a lot of poetry. Sometimes I miss that.
10. A stylistic choice you’ve made and are now ashamed of?
No Shame!! I don't believe shame is a helpful expression. I do lots of things I change later, but I don't regret the past.
11. Which role you would like to have played if you were an actor?
Babette in Babette's Feast.
12. A recurring childhood dream of yours?
Flying -- but flying is like flexing a muscle, a muscle I haven't yet mastered. I end up flying for about 30 seconds before I'm exhausted and need to ground.
13. If you are superstitious?
No, not really. Though I was when I was young. I was afraid every night that as soon as I fell asleep demons would find me and eat me if I didn't hide under my blankets. I invented secret buttons on my mattress that I would push in a secret sequence to activate an invisible force field around my bed. I guess it worked!
14. A sentence containing the words ”some” and ”beans”?
Jack climbed atop his dun mule, the remainder of the beans in his pocket, and into the thick brush and the drone of some night bug screeching he hauled blindly towards an inevitable violence, towards the question in his bones.
DM Stith - "Fire of Birds" (Heavy Ghost)
2 σχόλια:
εύγε, εύγε, και επίσης.. εύγε!!
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