Φέτος, πριν λίγες μέρες μάλιστα, έβγαλαν τον δεύτερό τους δίσκο με το όνομα As Seen Through The Windows, ο οποίος είναι εξίσου προσεγμένος, ατμοσφαιρικός και μπαρόκ με τον προηγούμενο. Διαβάστε τι είχαν να μας απαντήσουν!
Could you please tell us...
1. Three albums you’d take along on a desert island?
Anthology of American Music
Oval: Dok
Edgar Meyer: Bach Unaccompanied Cello Suites (performed on double bass)
2. A song you wish you’d written?
The demo version of "Blame It On My Wild Heart" by Stevie Nicks that I found on YouTube.
3. Your Sunday morning song?
The demo version of "Blame It On My Wild Heart" by Stevie Nicks that I found on YouTube.
4. Your favourite b-side?
"Right Track Wrong Train' by Cyndi Lauper, on the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" 45".
5. Your favourite Beatles song?
Their whole catalog, except for one or two songs.
6. A musician/band you think is criminally underrated?
Frankie Sparo.
7. Your favourite place for writing music?
8. What your music-related plans are for the next 12 months?
Making new music. Playing some shows. But not too many because it makes me tired and write music less.
9. What you wish to do once you retire from music?
Dissolve into a whole lot of rays of coloured light.
10. A stylistic choice you’ve made and are now ashamed of?
11. Which role you would like to have played if you were an actor?
The Wizard of Oz.
12. A recurring childhood dream of yours?
Flying but not being in control.
13. If you are superstitious?
Yes. No. Yes.
14. A sentence containing the words ”some” and ”beans”?
Yes, that is.
Bell Orchestre - "Air Lines, Land Lines" (As Seen Through The Windows)
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